Photos Galore!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Some cute 1-year-old shots of Evie

As most parents, I am convinced that my child is on the path to stardom and greatness. But how can I disbelieve when I see so many evidences?

I decided to share with you some of the evidences (see above). This is also a tribute to the greatness of my photographer friend Rebecca (see her website at Thanks for putting up with our disgusting adoration!!!
(I might add that Evie peepee-d no less than three times on Rebecca's backdrops during the photo shoot! Just something else that she's good at... :) )

1 comment:

Liz L said...

What a doll! Pee-peeing on the backdrops - now that is something Simone would do. I think our girls would get along splendidly.