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Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Thoughts

Upon examining the small amount of change in my wallet, I made a sadly meager contribution this week for an American veteran's group and got to thinking more about Memorial Day.

My elderly friend Irene Allred says that in her day they referred to Memorial Day as "Decoration Day," which she celebrated by decorating her home with yards of ribbon to remember those lost in war and the freedoms we enjoy. An interesting idea--that makes me feel very chagrined to just BBQ every year and not do more to remember those fallen.

My father was in the Air Force during Vietnam, but was not assigned to battle. Instead he was stationed in Thailand, where he was taught North Vietnamese, and translated messages he heard over the radio. Both of my grandfathers were drafted to serve in WWII, but were still in training camps until most of the fighting was over and the rebuilding had begun. I might not be here were it not for those who fought in those horrible times in our country's history--so that my family did not have to. So I am grateful, and if nothing else, I am thinking of those fallen today as I raise our flag.

God bless.

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