Photos Galore!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Evelyn and Her Water Passion

I'm making some effort to show Evie the fun side of playing in the water. So we blew up a little pink wading pool for her yesterday and went out for some fun in the sun! I think she had fun at first, but she, of course, had to bring her blankey with her. And then it was soggy and heavier than usual and the water was getting cold I guess, and she was done.

Here are some pics I managed to take of her, most of them with her desperately evacuating the pink pool. Poor cutie! So pitiful! :)


Colleen said...

Evie will learn to LOVE the pool...especially if Mom and Dad join her!

Love you guys!

Darci said...

Hi miss Katie!! Sorry you are not moving to Utah so you can be a Utard with me but Denver is great too. We have our house in Aurora still 2 years and counting so yeah the housing market is crap.

Nisha said...

CUTE POOL (AND KID)!!! Does Evie's swimsuit match the pool? Sophie loves getting in the big pool with mommie and isn't too hip on her little pool. Maybe I'll try again today. One tip for ya - get a bucket full of hot water from the house to mix with the hose water. That always warms it up a bit!

The Riggs Family Blog said...

Yes, we tried the warm water from inside. Guess it was too cool outside that day. We'll have to try again later! :)