Photos Galore!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Our most obedient child...

Papa Bear here. So it seems the only time we post anything anymore is when we have a baby. I'm going to try to do better... we have tons of fun videos, great pictures, and attention-riveting stories to share. We're also looking at homeschooling this year, and I'd like to keep a record of how that goes, just for the heck of it.

I thought I'd kick things off with a short video of Sylvia. I wanted to take the video because I've heard people say that babies don't smile. Oh, really? Watch this video and then tell me that babies don't smile!

I was obviously thrilled that she did her trick on demand... maybe she's got a future in the entertainment industry (it's my only hope for retirement!).

Postscript: So it looks like a few things aren't working (like the video) when I use Internet Explorer 10. What can I say, it's a Microsoft product. I looked at the blog on Chrome, and it worked there. So if you're using IE10, get a better browser. :) I'll look into it and see if I can get things running on IE.

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