Photos Galore!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Get Me Off This Ride...

You see it all the time on YouTube and all your other favorite "How much time can I waste?" websites and tv shows...

... and yet when it's your kid, it's SO much more entertaining.

Man, it's moments like this that you live for. I can't wait until he's 40 years old and we pull out this video. Talk about fun family memories. Thanks for making us laugh, little buddy!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Games for Kindergartners

One of the fun things about homeschooling is that I get to sit down each night and decide what to teach the kids the next day. Part of that is scouting out fun computer games for them to do while I'm away at work. I'm not going to lie, I think I enjoy the games more than the kids do. I know what you're thinking... "That Justin, he just likes the games because they're so easy, and it makes him feel smart and important to beat them." Okay, so you've got me; I do like that. But sometimes you come across a game and think, "Are these people for real?" Here is one such game (click the caption to go play for yourself):

Balls and Boxes

Are you serious? For KINDERGARTNERS? I can't even get past the 3rd level!! Show me a kindergartner who can keep up with this electronic hustler, and I'll show you a kindergartner I'm taking to Vegas with me next weekend.

I hope you enjoy the game... I sat there for about 30 minutes cursing at the computer every time I chose the wrong box... and loving every minute of it. You know what they say... "A game a day keeps the Alzheimers away!"

Keep those brains a workin'!

UPDATE: I just made it to Level 5, but I completely guessed on Level 4 and the gods smiled down upon me. I don't know who reads this, but if you're out there, I want to know how far you can get in this confounded game. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Face Painting Anteaters...

Somehow we discovered that using dry-erase markers as face paint is a GREAT idea. It goes on smooth and, remarkably, comes off just as easy. Now, before you go marking your face all up, make sure you do a test with YOUR markers somewhere it's not likely to be noticed (I'll leave it to you to pick the spot). But OUR markers ROCK! They go right on, and come right off. Here's a couple of the faces the kids have done over the last little while:

Cutie Pie!

Tiger Boy!

Uhhh... Superpurpulicious Sweetie? 

As you can see, we've been having lots of fun. The first time I saw them do it, I about lost it... seriously, guys - MARKER ON YOUR FACE!?!? Then they showed me how easy it came off and I was like, "Dang, Gina! How come my parents never let me draw on MY face with a dry-erase marker?"

We've also been having fun with our new chore charts. A.J.'s chore was to clean the floor. I'm not sure this is what Katie had in mind when she assigned it to him:

Like I say in the video, as far as I'm concerned, that counts for sweeping AND mopping. Good job, little man! Bathrooms are next (I kid!).

Have a good one and remember, be GOOD, have FUN, and always be LEARNING!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Happy Birthday!

I came home to lunch today to a surprise party the kids threw for me:

In case you don't read "Evelyn-ese", that translates to "Happy Birthday to Daddy". 

A.J. refused to have his picture taken. A chip off the old block, that one is.

Speaking of happy events, we blessed Sylvia this weekend. Here's the family:

And here's Evelyn holding Sylvia after church:

She's a good big sister, eh?

Have a good one, and always remember: Be GOOD, Have FUN, and always be LEARNING!

Monday, August 5, 2013

All I Want for Christmas...

In the morning...

Later that night!

... One came out at the pool while she was blowing water through a noodle (not into the pool, thankfully!), and one came out while I was getting dinner at Noodles & Company. What is it about noodles that makes this girls teeth fall out? She better be careful or she's going to need to get some dentures before she's 7...

p.s. - this happened awhile back, but I didn't get around to posting it yet.