Photos Galore!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Evelyn!

On the prestigious birthday shared by our beloved President Lincoln and by controversial Christian and scientist Charles Darwin (February 12), Evelyn was born.All the grandparents came...And so did Helen from across the street. She always has presents for Evie. :)...Justin and I are laughing because Evelyn inadvertently exhaled and blew out her candle again this year. We need to teach this child about the fanfare of blowing out candles... :) >>This is Jackson, Camden and Ethan at the birthday party for the kids the next day. It was Jackson's birthday in February, too, so they shared a little party. :) Here are some more cute kids--Ethan (#2) and Nathan. I didn't get too many shots, because the rest of the party was absolute mayhem. Maybe next year...
Eating cupcakes on the floor. They were kind enough to leave some there for the ants. :)


Riggs said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful litle lady!!!!

Becca said...

Happy Birthday, Evelyn! I'm sorry I missed your party--it looked like a good one.


Auntie Becca