Photos Galore!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Missing the Evelyn...
I have to say, even with all there is to do here, we sure are missing our little Evelyn! So I thought I would post some pictures of the last week we were in town with her.
Here she is with Odwalla juice all over her face. I didn't wash it off right away, because it's testament to what a fruit-crazed maniac she is! This very same juice ended up all over the carseat, too, interestingly enough. Ah, well. :)
I wish I'd been gutsy enough to get some of her sleeping before, because children, as you know, are at their very cutest asleep. :)
We made butterflies out of tissue paper and twisty ties. Not the most ingenious project, I know--but one I knew a toddler could do! (Saw this on my friend Jamie's blog...) Evie calls them "fies."
Here she is, doing piques after dance class with Mommy. After a couple of months accompanying me to class, she starting doing some of our bar routines at home. Here, she's doing "pique, pique, pique, switch!"
Our little prima!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
We're Here!
With a doctor's approval in hand, we flew to Kauai Island in Hawaii on Friday morning. Here are some pictures we've taken in the past two days. We're on a very quiet island of Hawaii--perfect--with plenty of beaches and gardens to keep us busy.
This is a picture of Hoopii Falls, about 2 minutes from where we're staying. Gorgeous!
...At a plantation near Princeville, Kauai.
...A whale watching point, minutes from the airport.
Justin and I just drove to the whale watching straight from the airport in Lihue.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Christmas Revisited...
We were bound and determined to enter the 21st century, so the other day we decided to learn how to post a video to YouTube. The first segment that came up on the camera was from Christmas, so Christmas is what you got...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Medical Update
So every now and again I get an email from a family member asking what is going on with me and the pregnancy.
The main news is the baby is still healthy and well, and growing quickly! My doctor has been keeping a close eye on me, though, so I don't have the baby too early. At the end of January, I was having contractions three minutes apart. So they sent me to the hospital, where I stayed a few hours and then was released with a prescription that makes the blood vessels dilate throughout my whole body, but keeps the contractions at bay, so I can't really complain. Since then I've had a Dr.'s appointment about every week--they are doing lots of tests and ultrasounds to see what is causing the contractions and to see if they're actually making me go into real labor or not. So far, no real labor, just lots of panicking nurses and one careful doctor. :)
We're still going along like we're going on vacation this week. We won't know officially until Wed. when the Dr. gives me this test (FFN) that determines with 99% accuracy that the baby will NOT be born in the next two weeks (amazing!). It's been negative the last two times, and Justin and I are feeling pretty comfortable, but nothing's for sure, I guess.
All of this has made me understand first-hand some of the foibles of doctors and doctors' offices:
1. Doctor make you do silly things to make sure they don't get sued for malpractice or something. Like, my Dr. calls me into his office sometimes twice a week, because he forgot to do some test that he meant to do the time before. I ask, "Can it wait until next week?" Of course, the answer is always "No."
2. Even though most of the labor and delivery nurses I've met are extremely competent individuals, they still must defer all major decision making to the doctor. This would make sense, except that I'm sure they've seen the same condition as the doctor 3000 times, and know just as well what is to be done.
3. Doctors sometimes don't read their charts.
On the days when my doctor is off, I have directed my questions to another one of the doctors in the office, and promptly receive a reply, to my complete satisfaction. However, when next I see the doctor and he asks innocently what questions can he answer, I ask for some follow-up on the last call I made and he looks at me completely blankly. Seriously, nothing behind the eyes, except maybe some crickets, chirping quietly. I usually have to tell the story of my medical life at least twice--sometimes more depending on who is on call. Of course, then he reads his chart.
4. Doctors sometimes forget about your existence. (Sometimes I wish he would forgot my existence entirely, but I've never been that lucky :)) On a busy day at the doctor's office, Evie and I will get left in a room and forgotten about--this has happened twice, now. We've learned now just to get dressed and stand in the hallway until we can get someone to notice us.
5. No matter what the doctor may lead you to believe, you still have the right to dictate the terms of your medical care. I'm learning to be more feisty. Mostly I'm just passive aggressive, because I'm too tired to be anything else.
But I digress... I just wanted to let you know that the commotion, in my humble opinion, is only partially warranted and Justin and I feel a lot of peace right now. And also, that these contractions wake me up at night and leave me to babble on my blog until they pass--which explains the weird, middle-of-the-night postings. :)
Thank you for caring, dear friends and family!
Katie & the baby
The main news is the baby is still healthy and well, and growing quickly! My doctor has been keeping a close eye on me, though, so I don't have the baby too early. At the end of January, I was having contractions three minutes apart. So they sent me to the hospital, where I stayed a few hours and then was released with a prescription that makes the blood vessels dilate throughout my whole body, but keeps the contractions at bay, so I can't really complain. Since then I've had a Dr.'s appointment about every week--they are doing lots of tests and ultrasounds to see what is causing the contractions and to see if they're actually making me go into real labor or not. So far, no real labor, just lots of panicking nurses and one careful doctor. :)
We're still going along like we're going on vacation this week. We won't know officially until Wed. when the Dr. gives me this test (FFN) that determines with 99% accuracy that the baby will NOT be born in the next two weeks (amazing!). It's been negative the last two times, and Justin and I are feeling pretty comfortable, but nothing's for sure, I guess.
All of this has made me understand first-hand some of the foibles of doctors and doctors' offices:
1. Doctor make you do silly things to make sure they don't get sued for malpractice or something. Like, my Dr. calls me into his office sometimes twice a week, because he forgot to do some test that he meant to do the time before. I ask, "Can it wait until next week?" Of course, the answer is always "No."
2. Even though most of the labor and delivery nurses I've met are extremely competent individuals, they still must defer all major decision making to the doctor. This would make sense, except that I'm sure they've seen the same condition as the doctor 3000 times, and know just as well what is to be done.
3. Doctors sometimes don't read their charts.
On the days when my doctor is off, I have directed my questions to another one of the doctors in the office, and promptly receive a reply, to my complete satisfaction. However, when next I see the doctor and he asks innocently what questions can he answer, I ask for some follow-up on the last call I made and he looks at me completely blankly. Seriously, nothing behind the eyes, except maybe some crickets, chirping quietly. I usually have to tell the story of my medical life at least twice--sometimes more depending on who is on call. Of course, then he reads his chart.
4. Doctors sometimes forget about your existence. (Sometimes I wish he would forgot my existence entirely, but I've never been that lucky :)) On a busy day at the doctor's office, Evie and I will get left in a room and forgotten about--this has happened twice, now. We've learned now just to get dressed and stand in the hallway until we can get someone to notice us.
5. No matter what the doctor may lead you to believe, you still have the right to dictate the terms of your medical care. I'm learning to be more feisty. Mostly I'm just passive aggressive, because I'm too tired to be anything else.
But I digress... I just wanted to let you know that the commotion, in my humble opinion, is only partially warranted and Justin and I feel a lot of peace right now. And also, that these contractions wake me up at night and leave me to babble on my blog until they pass--which explains the weird, middle-of-the-night postings. :)
Thank you for caring, dear friends and family!
Katie & the baby
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Couples Tag
I saw this on my friend's blog. I don't think many people know about me and Justin as a couple, so I thought it would be fun...
What are your middle names?
Wolsey and Ruth (guess whose is whose! :) )
How long have you been together?
3 1/2 years
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About one day... we just knew!
Who asked who out?
Justin asked me out--how refreshing!
Where was your first date?
Justin took me to see "A Christmas Carol" at the Denver Performing Arts Complex downtown--so nice! That was our first official date (the one he asked for in advance). We were on the phone the night before working out the details, and I told him I was going to see "Pride and Prejudice" with a group that night, and did he want to come? He said "Yes!" and it totally surprised me, because I knew he would be coming from across town. However, when we got there, we couldn't find the group, and we just ended up going together--he even paid for me--wow! I thought, "Who is this dream guy who wants to see 'Pride and Prejudice' with me in the middle of the night and wants to pay for me, too!?" I later learned my friend completely flaked because she couldn't get a big enough group together to suit her, but Justin still teases me to this day that I set the whole thing up on purpose.
How old are each of you?
I'm 31, Justin is 29--until August.
Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
Mine, I think. My sister is in town, all of his siblings have moved. :(
Do you have any children together?
Yes. Evelyn Joy, and an un-named baby boy on the way!
What about pets?
I had two cats when we met. I soon found out that Justin wasn't so hot about them--especially with their sleeping on the bed with us! ...So they were adopted elsewhere, and probably haven't thought of me since, the brats! :) I think we'd both like a dog at some point, but the guy next door is with Animal Control, and we're still in baby/small house-mode. Give it time, give it time...
Did you go to the same school?
College, yes. But we never met there, even though we had a similar major. Justin says it's a good thing I didn't know him in high school, because I wouldn't have liked him very much. And I was shy and more sensitive back then, so it was probably a good thing...
Are you from the same home town?
We're from opposite sides of the Denver area. And I didn't move here until high school.
Who is the smartest?
Justin, though he won't readily admit it. We were both in gifted programs in school. But then we took one of those "gifted" tests together... Wellll, he tested "gifted" and I tested "very bright" (which is just a nice way to say you're not quite as gifted as the truly gifted. :)) While we can debate the accuracy of those things, I think it is still Justin. And "very bright" sounds so happy, doesn't it? I'm fine with this... I'm the better tester, though. At tests we both took for our work at one point, I consistently scored just a few points higher--I don't think Justin cared as much about getting his answers completely right.
Who is the most sensitive?
Probably me, but sometimes Justin surprises me!
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Red Robin. It's just the best!
Who does the cooking?
I do. I like it!--Especially cooking cool ethnic foods.
Who is more social?
Me! I love to meet people and hear their stories. Justin is definitely more introverted--he's great with people, but more one-on-one.
Who is the neat-freak?
I am the sanitization freak, and Justin is the clutter freak. Together we make the ultimate neat-freak!
Who is the more stubborn?
Justin. I cannot believe how he holds on to things. I'm definitely more laid back--but I've learned when to put my foot down!
Who hogs the bed?
Justin. He likes to sprawl. I don't move when I sleep--unless I'm pregnant and contracting all night.. ugh!
Who wakes up earlier?
Probably me, since we had a baby. Sometimes I am the last to bed and the first to rise, because it takes me longer to get ready, too.
Who has the bigger family?
I have six siblings and he has three, so my immediate family is bigger. But I think his extended family is bigger, for sure. I'm still learning the names... :)
Do you get flowers often?
No, but Justin will get flowers for me once in a while, like my birthday. I am not that particular about getting flowers, but I enjoy thoughtful gifts. Funny story, I actually got him some flowers on Valentine's Day. I told him, "They're our wedding flowers, do you remember?" He says, "How did you get them to last this long?" So cute! I just wanted to cuddle him and put him in my pocket!
The point is: he doesn't know very much about flowers, so I just plant the ones I like outside!
How do you spend the holidays?
We try to carve out some "Justin Riggs Family" time at home--it's so fun seeing Evie enjoy the holidays more and more as she gets older, and we can build traditions. Both of our parents are in town, also, so we get to visit them on the holidays, too!
Who is more jealous?
Neither of us are jealous people, thank goodness!
How long did it take to get serious?
Again, one day. We just knew.
Who does/did the laundry?
I do, but I like it.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
It really bothers me when Justin doesn't make a decision on things--things that we need to decide as a couple. I'm impatient, I guess, but I can make decisions quickly--and I like things to be concrete. Justin takes more time to analyze--a good quality, I know, but one I'm still learning to accept!
Who’s better with the computer?
Justin. It suits him well, and it's his job! :)
Who drives when you are together?
Justin. He likes the control, and I don't really care either way.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Disneyland (until we go to Hawaii--only ten more days!!!!)
Who has the worst temper?
Justin is in general more surly. :) But temper? Hmmmmm... My temper actually flares more than him, but I also cool down a lot faster. It takes more to really rile him.
Whoever wants to fill this thing out: tag, you're it!:)
What are your middle names?
Wolsey and Ruth (guess whose is whose! :) )
How long have you been together?
3 1/2 years
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About one day... we just knew!
Who asked who out?
Justin asked me out--how refreshing!
Where was your first date?
Justin took me to see "A Christmas Carol" at the Denver Performing Arts Complex downtown--so nice! That was our first official date (the one he asked for in advance). We were on the phone the night before working out the details, and I told him I was going to see "Pride and Prejudice" with a group that night, and did he want to come? He said "Yes!" and it totally surprised me, because I knew he would be coming from across town. However, when we got there, we couldn't find the group, and we just ended up going together--he even paid for me--wow! I thought, "Who is this dream guy who wants to see 'Pride and Prejudice' with me in the middle of the night and wants to pay for me, too!?" I later learned my friend completely flaked because she couldn't get a big enough group together to suit her, but Justin still teases me to this day that I set the whole thing up on purpose.
How old are each of you?
I'm 31, Justin is 29--until August.
Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
Mine, I think. My sister is in town, all of his siblings have moved. :(
Do you have any children together?
Yes. Evelyn Joy, and an un-named baby boy on the way!
What about pets?
I had two cats when we met. I soon found out that Justin wasn't so hot about them--especially with their sleeping on the bed with us! ...So they were adopted elsewhere, and probably haven't thought of me since, the brats! :) I think we'd both like a dog at some point, but the guy next door is with Animal Control, and we're still in baby/small house-mode. Give it time, give it time...
Did you go to the same school?
College, yes. But we never met there, even though we had a similar major. Justin says it's a good thing I didn't know him in high school, because I wouldn't have liked him very much. And I was shy and more sensitive back then, so it was probably a good thing...
Are you from the same home town?
We're from opposite sides of the Denver area. And I didn't move here until high school.
Who is the smartest?
Justin, though he won't readily admit it. We were both in gifted programs in school. But then we took one of those "gifted" tests together... Wellll, he tested "gifted" and I tested "very bright" (which is just a nice way to say you're not quite as gifted as the truly gifted. :)) While we can debate the accuracy of those things, I think it is still Justin. And "very bright" sounds so happy, doesn't it? I'm fine with this... I'm the better tester, though. At tests we both took for our work at one point, I consistently scored just a few points higher--I don't think Justin cared as much about getting his answers completely right.
Who is the most sensitive?
Probably me, but sometimes Justin surprises me!
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Red Robin. It's just the best!
Who does the cooking?
I do. I like it!--Especially cooking cool ethnic foods.
Who is more social?
Me! I love to meet people and hear their stories. Justin is definitely more introverted--he's great with people, but more one-on-one.
Who is the neat-freak?
I am the sanitization freak, and Justin is the clutter freak. Together we make the ultimate neat-freak!
Who is the more stubborn?
Justin. I cannot believe how he holds on to things. I'm definitely more laid back--but I've learned when to put my foot down!
Who hogs the bed?
Justin. He likes to sprawl. I don't move when I sleep--unless I'm pregnant and contracting all night.. ugh!
Who wakes up earlier?
Probably me, since we had a baby. Sometimes I am the last to bed and the first to rise, because it takes me longer to get ready, too.
Who has the bigger family?
I have six siblings and he has three, so my immediate family is bigger. But I think his extended family is bigger, for sure. I'm still learning the names... :)
Do you get flowers often?
No, but Justin will get flowers for me once in a while, like my birthday. I am not that particular about getting flowers, but I enjoy thoughtful gifts. Funny story, I actually got him some flowers on Valentine's Day. I told him, "They're our wedding flowers, do you remember?" He says, "How did you get them to last this long?" So cute! I just wanted to cuddle him and put him in my pocket!
The point is: he doesn't know very much about flowers, so I just plant the ones I like outside!
How do you spend the holidays?
We try to carve out some "Justin Riggs Family" time at home--it's so fun seeing Evie enjoy the holidays more and more as she gets older, and we can build traditions. Both of our parents are in town, also, so we get to visit them on the holidays, too!
Who is more jealous?
Neither of us are jealous people, thank goodness!
How long did it take to get serious?
Again, one day. We just knew.
Who does/did the laundry?
I do, but I like it.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
It really bothers me when Justin doesn't make a decision on things--things that we need to decide as a couple. I'm impatient, I guess, but I can make decisions quickly--and I like things to be concrete. Justin takes more time to analyze--a good quality, I know, but one I'm still learning to accept!
Who’s better with the computer?
Justin. It suits him well, and it's his job! :)
Who drives when you are together?
Justin. He likes the control, and I don't really care either way.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Disneyland (until we go to Hawaii--only ten more days!!!!)
Who has the worst temper?
Justin is in general more surly. :) But temper? Hmmmmm... My temper actually flares more than him, but I also cool down a lot faster. It takes more to really rile him.
Whoever wants to fill this thing out: tag, you're it!:)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Evelyn loves babies. A quality, I hope, she will continue to nurture when our new baby comes. :) Here she is with Leif, closely monitored. She is closely monitored so she doesn't brain damage the babies with her love and the compulsive way she rocks them. :)
We have helped her to be "soft," but other than that, her love for babies was completely originated by her--no training necessary. Aren't little girls the best? :)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Political Blog
I finally got around to writing that political blog.
If you're interested, here's the address:
:) Katie
If you're interested, here's the address:
:) Katie
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday, Evelyn!
On the prestigious birthday shared by our beloved President Lincoln and by controversial Christian and scientist Charles Darwin (February 12), Evelyn was born.
All the grandparents came...
And so did Helen from across the street. She always has presents for Evie. :)
...Justin and I are laughing because Evelyn inadvertently exhaled and blew out her candle again this year. We need to teach this child about the fanfare of blowing out candles... :) >>This is Jackson, Camden and Ethan at the birthday party for the kids the next day. It was Jackson's birthday in February, too, so they shared a little party. :)
Here are some more cute kids--Ethan (#2) and Nathan. I didn't get too many shots, because the rest of the party was absolute mayhem. Maybe next year...
Eating cupcakes on the floor. They were kind enough to leave some there for the ants. :)
Of Animals and Grandmas...
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