Photos Galore!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Day in the Life...

Today Mommy and I played with Jack and his mommy (called Camille) at a fun new park! I played on the big train toy, fed the ducks and climbed on things with Jack. He's so tall, most of the time I just looked up at him while he climbed things, actually.
Later, I entertained Mommy and Daddy playing Daddy's guitar (which I think is actually mine) and practicing walking (a sure way to get lots of attention--plus hugs and kisses from Mommy and pats on the back from Daddy). I love my life!

Mommy likes to take my picture all the time, so sometimes I let her.
"I see dead people..." Strike that, it's just someone playing on the swingset--definitely NOT dead.
Jack standing tall on top of the train toy. What a hunk!

...feeding ducks.

Jack said he would rescue me from the geese, but then he just ended up chasing them.
...then he tried to get my sippy, so I had to hold onto it tightly.
This is Jack's mommy, chaperoning us. I don't think she saw him trying to hold my foot... I think it was supposed to be my hand.
Here I am rocking out for Daddy. I like to pound it extra hard to make sure he can hear me!
I like to play with Daddy when he gets home from work. But all he wants to do is exercise. Sometimes I tease him for a minute before I start walking.

Here I go! I went eight steps today! Mommy, put down the camera already and catch me!


Colleen said...

I love the 'day in a life'! She is the cutest thing!!! I can't wait until Saturday when Grandma can be part of a 'day in the life of Evelyn'!

Riggs said...

Keaton wants to look at "ebby" all day! He says I want "Ebby." I miss "Ebby!" Cute!! K I better let him see "HIS Ebby!"

Alicia said...

Oooooh! 8 steps! Way to go, Evie! That's 7 more than Naters, so far. What park did you guys go to? It looks like fun.