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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Decoding the Color Code

If any of you know the Conway side of the family, you will know we often speak "Color Codian"--which is a language that can help you in any social endeavor or any other kind of endeavor. I only wish they had a code for babies and animals!

My mission is to help others become fluent in this language. ...So you will know what we mean when we say something like, "Oh, he's soooo yellow."

Here are the colors: Blue, Yellow, Red, White.

Here are the motivations: Blue-Intimacy, Yellow-Fun, Red-Power, White-Peace.

Justin is a blue and I'm a blue/yellow. It makes for very interesting dynamics, believe it or not, since Justin brings out my yellow (read: makes me skittish). But I think in the end when you love someone and treat them with respect you bring out the best in people regardless of their personality characteristics.

Here's more info. below. Let us know if you want to borrow our copy of the book!

Loyal forever once friendship is established.
Feels intense on many issues.
Blues never wake up happy or sad, they have to think about it first.
Blues cannot accept an emotion without taking full responsibility for it first.
Blues always seek purpose in life.
Rigid with principles and unwilling to negotiate.
Requires a purpose in order to play.

A natural "people person"
Have an innate ability to be happy.
Yellows find it easy to relate to people of all ages.
Appreciate what they have vs. what they lack.
Love to entertain and be entertained.
The essential ingredient in every Yellow's life - an escape, an out, a chance to run away.
Lack of commitment.
Few intimate friends. A very large number of associates.

Reds speak their minds directly and honestly, regardless of their popularity.
Driving need is to convert the world to their beliefs.
If Reds feel that you have something worthwhile to offer, they will gladly give their efforts to assist you. Reds are relentless in their commitment to causes they believe in. When converted to a concept reds know no equal. Reds throw themselves into causes. They are difficult to convince, but equally difficult to restrain once committed.

RED'S THEME: "I've got things to do, places to go, and people to see."
Are not natural conversationalists - ARE natural lecturers.
Enjoy verbal argumentation.
No tolerance for stupidity or being unprepared.
Parade their values and opinions in front of others.
Take firm stands and expect others to follow.
Quite opinionated.
Very strong willed and determined.

Strong empathy skills.
Whites are tolerant of other's disagreeable behavior regardless of the personal discomfort they feel.
The chameleon is their trademark and reflects their ability to adapt and blend with everyone.
Whites are very uncomfortable in making decisions that may be wrong and avoid responsibilities that require it.
Passive-Agressive. Will sabatoge other people's future plans that involve them, for past resentments that have not been verbally expressed.